
Home Loans Articles

Keen for a sea change? Beat the Millennial rush

Buying a house by the sea in a little known coastal town is no longer reserved for retirees. New research shows that those flocking to coastal towns are now predominately young families. Most of us have dreamt of the days when we’ll one day be able to afford a house...

5 common reasons home loan applications are rejected

Whether it’s unrequited love, or an unsuccessful home loan application, getting your heart broken is never easy. Here are five common reasons home loan applications are rejected.   Due to the banking royal commission, lenders are cracking down on home...

Bank wanted mortgage broking fees transferred to customers

A big four bank almost overhauled its broker remuneration model so that the cost of mortgage broking services would be transferred to customers. The Royal Commission (RC) revealed that back in 2017 the Commonwealth Bank planned to replace commissions paid to mortgage...

Don’t get outfoxed: a quick guide to property valuation

Information is power. Knowing the property valuation can help you secure a great price during negotiations. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, having an accurate property valuation conducted can give you the confidence you need to close the deal in your...